Unlimited Advertising Packages

Client Membership
  • Post Unlimited Jobs
  • Post Unlimited Local Events
  • Simply register and start posting jobs.
Freelancer Plans
  • $5 per month or $50 per year.
  • Post unlimited listings in all directories, except the Business Directory. Create a freelancer listing in every category for your services.
  • For a limited time use coupon code FREELANCER3 when you choose a monthly membership plan, and receive the first 3 months FREE.
  • Unlimited Listings
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Listings With Map
  • Customer Reviews
Business Plans
  • $20 per month or $200 per year.


  • Post unlimited listings in all directories, except the Freelancer Directory. Create a business listing for each business location. Set custom hours, contact information and specific information for each location.
  • For a limited time, use coupon code BUSINESS3 when you choose a monthly membership plan, and receive the first 3 months FREE.
  • Unlimited Listings
  • Unlimited Categories
  • Listings With Map
  • Customer Reviews
My Work Local - unlimited business and freelancer advertising