Common support issues are documented below. However, if you are unable to get the support you need for your problem, feel free to contact our support team by sending a message in the form below the topics.

Support Topics

How do I update my profile?

Profiles can be updated from your dashboard, located under Members, Dashboard. Once at your dashboard you will have a dashboard menu. Find and click “My Profile” in this menu. From here, you can upload your picture, or company logo if you have one. Changes can be made to your personal information, but the username you have selected cannot be changed.
*** For businesses and freelancers, the display name is used for your business and freelancer listings. You can only use one business or freelancer name for your listings. If you change your display name on your profile, all business and freelancer listings will change accordingly.

From your dashboard, you have access to see all your listings, your profile, billing address, subscriptions, favorite listings, and announcements. Dashboard

How do I post a listing?

Client members: Client members only have access to posting in the job listings directory.

  1. From the main menu, select Members, then Submit Listing.
  2. You are now at the job listing creation page.
  3. There is also a Submit Job Listing link at the top of the job listings page that you will see, if you’re logged in.
  4. For more detailed information on how to create a job listing, see our section on How To Create A Job Listing.

Freelancer and Business members:

  1. From the main menu, select Members, then Submit Listing.
  2. When you click Submit Listing, you will be presented with a list of directories that you can create a listing in.
  3. Select the appropriate directory for your listing.
  4. Each directory has a Submit Listing button at the top of the search page that will take you to the submit listing page for that directory. Only directories you have permission to post in will have this button.
  5. For detailed information on how to create each type of listing, see the appropriate instructions per listing type on this page.
Job Listings

Follow these steps to post a job listing.

  1. Title: This is mandatory. Enter the title of the job you are posting.
  2. Salary: This field is optional. Enter the salary of the job posting or leave blank.
  3. Benefits: If there are benefits included with this job, list them here. Each line in this box is for one benefit. Type in the benefit and hit enter to move on to the next line.
  4. Deadline: If there is a deadline for applications to this job, enter that date in this field.
  5. Description: This field is mandatory. This is where the details of the job you are listing goes.
  6. Category: This field is mandatory. Select one or more categories appropriate for this job.
  7. Tag: Tags are optional. If used, tags can help a job seeker narrow their search for the perfect job. Your listing will still be found if someone is searching by category only, with or without a tag.
  8. Open Positions: If you have more than one position available, you can enter the number of open positions here. Or, leave it blank if you’d rather not specify.
  9. Job Type: This is optional, but may help job seekers more easily find the type of job they are looking for.
  10. Application Form: This can be a little complicated until you use it once. It is optional but if used, allows a job seeker to input the information you are looking for, and email it to you for review.
    A. Click the “Add” button.
    B. Add the desired content. Each option is explained below.
    C. Each option has a “Required” checkbox. Check this box if this is a requirement for your application form. Leave unchecked if the specific item is optional.
    D. Use the arrows icon to move the option modules to the desired location, after you have added more than one option to your form.
    1. Text – this is for a single line text input for the applicant.
    a. Label: Label this field so the job applicant knows what information you are requesting.
    b. Placeholder: This is text that is visible to the applicant, until they enter their own text.

    2. Text Area – This is a text box for the applicant. This is useful for items like “Tell me about yourself”, or “What makes you the best candidate for this job?”
    a. Label: Label the box so the applicant knows what information you are looking for. For example, “Tell me about yourself.”
    b. Placeholder: You can leave this blank, or input instructions or more information to help the applicant give you the information you are looking for.

    3. Email – This is for the applicant to enter their contact email.
    a. Label: Label this “Email” so the applicant knows that their email goes here.
    b. Placeholder: Leave blank or input text such as “[email protected]”.

    4. URL – Use this option if you’d like your applicant to enter a web URL, like a Facebook profile page, personal website, etc.
    a. Label: Label the field with the appropriate description so the applicant knows what you would like.
    b. Placeholder: Leave blank or input additional text to assist the applicant with inputting the requested information.

    5. Number – This can be used for phone number, fax number, or whatever type of number you’d like the applicant to provide.
    a. Label: label the field with the appropriate type of number you are requesting.
    b. Placeholder: Leave blank or input text helpful to the applicant for this field.

    6. File – This can be used for resumes, certifications, licenses, etc. Use this option, one for each file you would like, as the user can only attach one file per option.
    a. Label: Label the field with the type of document you’d like the applicant to provide.
    b. Placeholder: Enter helpful text for the applicant.
  11. These items can be used as many times as you need as you make your custom job application. These boxes can be moved up or down in your list so they are laid out to your preference.
  12. Address: This is a mandatory field. We suggest using only the city and state. This will help people find your job by location, but not have the exact location until you are ready to give it to them. Start typing the location, then select the correct location from the list that appears. The location will appear on the map below.
  13. Images: These are optional, but may be useful in some situations. Images here could help job applicants understand the scope of work they are applying for.
  14. Click “I am not a robot”, “I agree with the Privacy Policy”, and “I agree with all terms and conditions.”
  15. Click “Save and Preview”. This takes a few seconds, be patient.
  16. On the next page, you can view your listing. Click “Continue” to complete the listing post, or click “Edit” to make changes.
    Your job listing is now complete.
How To Listings

How To listings are intended for business and freelancer members to be able to post how to guides. How To listings are a good way to help others do projects themselves, but also bring attention to your own services.

  1. Tip Title: Enter the title of your topic.
  2. Excerpt: The excerpt is text that will appear on your listing in the search results. This will help the viewer understand more about your topic before they click on your listing. This is optional.
  3. Instructions: This is where the steps of your instructions go.
  4. Category: Select the appropriate category or categories for this project.
  5. Tag: Select tags if you like. Tags help the viewer narrow down the results of their search and help find what they’re looking for more easily.
  6. Images and Video: You can upload images here. Below the images box, you can paste the link to your Youtube or Vimeo video. This video will display in your listing.
  7. Check the Captcha, Privacy Policy, and Terms and Conditions boxes.
  8. Click Save & Preview. This typically takes a few seconds, please be patient.
  9. On the next page, you can view your listing. If you like it , click “Continue”. If you would like to change something, click “Edit”.
  10. Once you click “Continue”, your listing is complete and is viewable.
Experience Showcase Listings

The experience showcase is where freelancers and businesses can display the work they have done. This is a good way to show potential customers know what kind of experience you have and your quality of work. These listings can be viewed when someone views your profile.

  1. Job Title: Enter a name for the project you will be listing.
  2. Excerpt: The excerpt is text that will appear on your listing in the search results. This will help the viewer understand more about your topic before they click on your listing. This is optional.
  3. Job Description: Enter the details of the job you have done.
  4. Category: Select the appropriate category or categories for this project.
  5. Tag: Select tags if you like. Tags help the viewer narrow down the results of their search and help find what they’re looking for more easily.
  6. Images and Video: You can upload images here. Below the images box, you can paste the link to your YouTube or Vimeo video. This video will display in your listing.
  7. Click Save & Preview. This typically takes a few seconds, please be patient.
  8. On the next page, you can view your listing. If you like it , click “Continue”. If you would like to change something, click “Edit”.
  9. Once you click “Continue”, your listing is complete and is viewable.

Posting a classifieds listing is open only to business and freelancer members.

  1. Description: Enter the description of your listing.
  2. Excerpt: This is optional. Text entered here will display on the listing in the search results page. This is limited to 50 words, and will help viewers understand the basics of your listing and help them decide if you have what they’re looking for.
  3. Description: This is a mandatory field. Enter a detailed description of the product you are selling.
  4. Pricing: Enter the price of the item you are selling.
  5. Feature List: If the item you are selling has distinct characteristics, enter them here, one per line. For example, if you are selling a truck, this is a good place to enter quick details that viewers will want to see, like mileage, engine size, modifications, etc.
  6. Category: The category is a mandatory field. Enter one or more appropriate categories for your listing.
  7. Pictures: Drag and drop or upload pictures to your listing if you have any.
  8. Video: If you have a Vimeo or YouTube video, you can link it here.
  9. Item Location: This is a mandatory field so your listing will appear in the appropriate location. Start entering city and state. Then, select the appropriate location that appears.
  10. Phone: This field is optional and viewable to the public. Enter your phone number here if you would like anyone to be able to call you about your listing, otherwise leave it blank.
  11. Email: This field is also optional and viewable to the public. Enter your email if you’d like it to be publicly visible on your listing. Otherwise, leave it blank.
    ***If no phone or email is listed, viewers can contact you through the website, which will send an email to the email address associated with your account.***
  12. Check the three boxes below: Captcha, Privacy Policy, and terms and conditions. Then, click Save and Preview.
  13. If you are satisfied with your listing, click Continue, and you’re done.
Freelancer Directory

The Freelancer Directory is where freelancer members can post their services in the cities they work in.

  1. Freelancer Name: This field is auto-populated with the member’s display name. This cannot be changed without changing you display name on your profile, which will change all that member’s freelancer listings to reflect the name change.
  2. Excerpt: This is optional. Text entered here will display on the listing in the search results page. This is limited to 50 words, and will help viewers understand the basics of your listing and help them decide to click your listing to view the rest of the details.
  3. About: This field is mandatory. Enter the details about the services you are advertising with your listing.
  4. Feature List: This is optional but can be used to highlight some of your qualifications.
  5. Category: This field is mandatory. Enter the category or categories that are relevant to your listing.
  6. Tag: This is a mandatory field. Add tags so viewers can find you easier, based on the services you provide.
  7. Location: Enter your location. We advise you to enter your city and state, not your exact address as this is publicly visible.
  8. Phone: Optional. Only enter your phone number if you would like it to be publicly visible. This could be a good idea as it may encourage people interested in your services to contact you.
  9. Email: Enter your email here. This is publicly visible, so if you don’t want you email seen by everyone, leave it blank.
    *** For those members that do not enter a phone number or email address, viewers will still be able to contact you through the website, which will send an email to the email address associated with your profile. ***
  10. Social Info: If you would like to create links to your social media profiles, you can do that here. Click “Add New”. Then, select the appropriate social media site from the drop down, and enter the URL to your profile in the right column.
  11. Next, you can choose to state if you are licensed, certified and insured. If you are and would like to state that, simply check the “Yes” box next to the appropriate item.
  12. Video: If you have a Vimeo or YouTube video for this listing, you can link that here by entering the URL in the box.
  13. Pictures: Drag and drop or upload any pictures relevant to this listing here.
  14. Check the three boxes below: Captcha, Privacy Policy, and terms and conditions. Then, click Save and Preview.
  15. If you are satisfied with your listing, click Continue, and you’re done.
Business Directory

Post a business listing for each business location. Customize each location with location specific pictures, business hours, contact information, etc.

  1. Business Name: This field is auto-populated with the member’s display name. For businesses, make sure your display name on your profile reflects the name of your business. This filed on the listing cannot be changed without changing you display name on your profile, which will change all that member’s business listings to reflect the name change. If you own more than one business, you need a separate account for each one.
  2. Excerpt: This is optional. Text entered here will display on the listing in the search results page. This is limited to 50 words, and will help viewers understand the basics of your listing and help them decide to click your listing to view the rest of the details.
  3. Description: This field is mandatory. Enter the details about the services you are advertising with your business listing.
  4. Category: This field is mandatory. Enter the category or categories that apply to your business listing.
  5. Tag: The tag field is mandatory. Enter the appropriate tags associated with your business listing.
  6. Address: Enter the address of your business. For business listings, if you would like customers to be able to come to your location, enter the street address, city and state. For businesses where customers do not come to your location, only the city and state is necessary.
  7. Business Hours: Enter the business hours to let people know when you are open or available.
  8. Time zone: Enter the correct time zone for your business location so your open and closed business hours appear correctly.
  9. Phone: Enter your business phone number for this business listing.
  10. Email: Enter the email address associated with this business listing.
  11. Website: If your business has a website that you would like to direct your customers to, enter your website here.
  12. Social Info: If your business has a social media presence, you can create links to your social media profiles here. Click “Add New”. Then, select the appropriate social media site from the drop down, and enter the URL to your profile in the right column.
  13. Images: Drag and drop or upload any pictures relevant to this listing here. This is a good place for businesses to show their location or products they sell.
  14. Video: If you have a Vimeo or YouTube video for this listing, you can link that here by entering the URL in the box. Businesses can create a commercial for each of their listings and link them here. This gives customers more information about your comapany and the services you offer.
  15. Check the three boxes below: Captcha, Privacy Policy, and terms and conditions. Then, click Save and Preview.
  16. If you are satisfied with your listing, click Continue, and you’re done.

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