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Buzzline Sounds

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World-class Audio Engineering and Production

Freelancer Information

Hornet Fellhauer

Buzzline Sounds

Member since 1 month ago
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I own a multi-track recording studio and offer full service audio production for bands or solo artists to record their music and/or vocals and prepare it for world-wide distribution. This includes operating the equipment necessary to capture the sound (mics, amps, outboard gear, DAW), setting levels, and guiding the musicians to get their best possible results. Once the sound is captured, I offer audio mixing to prepare the material to be mastered and distributed. I understand and am familiar with the various sound levels that are required by different media (TV, film, Spotify, Youtube, etc) and ensure the final product meets specifications and will not be rejected or compromised when played on the end platform.

• Proficient with Pro Tools Studio and Ableton Live

• Hybrid studio has both hardware and digital options

• Adept with wide array of digital plug-ins

Experienced with VO recording & editing

• Skilled at audio post-production for video

• Very disciplined to ensure timelines are met

• Capable of limited foley


  • Audio Production Audio Engineering Audio Editing Audio Post-Production


Seattle & world-wide

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